Advanced Electronic System Solutions
The Trusted Middle-East Technical Partner

                               نظامنا المتخصص في الفواتير الإلكترونية والمحاسبة الضريبية

                                                     (معتمد من هيئة الزكاة والدخل بالسعودية)

Our proprietary E-invoicing, accounting & taxation system

                                        click to visit V4G  إنقر هنا لزيارة الموقع الخاص بنظام

V4G (Value Added Tax for Gulf) is an invention in accounting/taxation & (e-invoice) electronic invoicing systems precisely designed in accordance with IFRSs to fully absorb the Value Added Tax requirements recently imposed in GCC.

This system incorporates state of the art technologies and programming techniques to seamlessly deliver a new user-friendly experience that changes perception and concept of accounting/taxation software by setting new standards for the industry….. Therefore, V4G stands out the competition. VAT4G also enables businesses to issue e-invoices imposed in Saudi Arabia Dec 04th, 2021.                   Visit the dedicated website

Faronics Products

Faronics products are powerful software suit that protect & control computer/networks with the concept of "Layered Security" in mind to ensure 100% ON time without threats. For instance, Deep Freeze restores the computer to its desired state each time the computer is restarted. Any configuration changes, new files created or old files deleted ( either intentionally or no)….. the computer retains its desired state… without any change. Of course, Thaw spaces or Thaw drives could easily be created to store desired user data without being affected by Deep Freeze. However, your operating system, boot record & other configurations are always protected!!!

                                                                            Deep Freeze: Standard, Enterprise & Cloud versions

                                                                                                                                                    Faronics Deploy: Remote Computer Management

     Data Igloo: Free Utility

                                                                                                  Faronics Core: Free Utility



      Power Save


Insight: Educational Software "Teacher-Student"